Katie Morey Gold
Position title: PhD '19

Katie was a PhD student in the Department of Plant Pathology and an MS student in the Biometry program in the Department of Statistics. Her research combines precision agriculture, remote sensing, and old school plant pathology to develop disease management tools. Katie’s work is the development of hyperspectral reflectance and imaging systems for use in potato as real time, aerial based, early disease detection systems, and the investigation of how these tools can be used to further understanding of metabolic changes that occur due to late blight infection before visual symptoms appear. Additionally, Katie uses spatio-temporal modeling to understand regional late blight disease dynamics and spore dispersal.
Ph.D. Plant Pathology – University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019
M.S. Biometry – University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019
B.S. Plant Science and Agricultural Science – Rutgers University, 2014