As a Research Intern in the Gevens lab, John is involved in a great variety of interesting research projects, both in the field and in the lab. Across Wisconsin, at numerous Agricultural Research Stations (namely at Hancock, WI) and at private farms, John has undertaken a primary support role in various field trials investigating fungicide efficacy and host resistance research. Such projects allow John to work with a wide array of potato diseases, including early blight, late blight, silver scurf, common scab, Rhizoctonia rots, and Dickeya rots. He has worked on similar disease control projects for other crops as well including cucurbits, onion, bean, and carrot. Back on campus, John offers direct support to graduate research projects and provides general assistance across the lab and in greenhouses. John is especially interested in evaluating the underlying economics of disease management, and he loves to share the results of the lab’s research with Wisconsin’s potato and vegetable growers.
B.S. Plant Pathology – University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016