As an assistant researcher in Gevens Vegetable Pathology lab, my work has been focusing on potato late blight, one of the most devastating plant diseases in the world. My recent research work is to collect and genotype Phytophthora infestans isolates, which is the pathogen causing late blight on potatoes and tomatoes. Different P.infestans isolates migrate globally through infected plants transportation. In addition, P. infestans evolves fast through sexual reproduction and natural or fungicide-driven mutations. My projects are to monitor the population dynamics of P. infestans in the field and characterize the pathogen in mating types, host range, virulence, survivability, and resistance to commonly utilized fungicides, so that we can provide research-based advice to growers on late blight management. My goal is to translate basic research in the lab into applicable practice in the field to improve disease management.
Ph.D. Plant Pathology – University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.S. Genetics – Northeast Normal University
B.S. Biological Education – Jilin Normal University